For some Travian players the game is more than just attacking and defending. Some people are way too involved and they also have a good sense of leadership . This makes them suited to be ALLIANCE leaders. There are some pros and cons for this, and we’ll discuss about this in this article.
First of all .. for an Alliance to be created, you need an embassy. It can be made with: 180 |
130 |
150 |
80 |
3 |
Construction time: 0:33:20
For the alliance to be made, you need to set the embassy to level 3. Only then you can have an alliance.
Now that we’ve dealt with the “technical” detalis, let’s try to list some reasons to have an alliance and also some to not think about this.
- if you have leadership talents this will make Travian worth for you. It’s one of the best ways to enjoy the game to its fullest;
- you have an entire alliance to rely on and you are also seen as a “chief” by other alliance leaders in the game.
- your development opportunities are high, if you know how to play your ‘card’;
- smaller players won’t attack you (even if you are of similar growth) since they’d worry about getting an entire alliance on their backs. This is one of the reasons many beginning players organize in small alliances so that they won’t be attacked that often.
- in order to be an alliance leader you need TIME and leadership qualities. Otherwise you’ll fail.
- an alliance means team effort. If you have a weak team.. you’re “toast”
- smaller players won’t attack you, but big ones will have you as a target. By destroying the embassy they can maim the alliance, you’ll be a target all the time
- you will need a lot of resources to grow that embassy.
- .. not to mention a lot of crop to keep armies in the city when others attack
Still, for many Travian players being an alliance leader is an excellent way to ‘feel’ the game. Some are very talented and their alliance has great succes. The cons might seem to outnumber the pros, but in the end it’s not like that. Being a good leader makes you stronger and the game more enjoyable. I think in the end anyone might try this. You can succeed or fail as a leader, but it’s surely worth the ride
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