Senin, 06 Juli 2009

Astaga!!! Produksi Gandumnya Negatif

Lumber: 15 per hour
Clay: 5 per hour
2 per hour
Crop: -50 per hour

This is an example view of how a resource production can be like. The one that really doesn’t look that good is the CROP production at -50. But how are the troops still surviving? Shouldn’t I freak out?

Well, not. Crop production means that each hour I produce -50 crop (or in plain English I lose 50 crop units). And still my troops are alive and kicking? But how? Because they consume what’s in the granary.

If I have 5000 crop in the granary, then my troops live from this food for 100 hours before starting dying of starvation. In the end it’s just a summing game. As long as you have the resources in the granary, then you’re safe.

If you’re raiding a lot and have a huge army, that means a huge crop consumption. If you wanted to make all the crop fields updated to be on a plus it would mean eating MANY resources. You can still manage this minus in few conditions:

1. Don’t go too much overboard. Having -50 or -100 is let’s say OK. Having a -4000 crop production in a long time, that’s almost economical chaos. Keep this negative number at a reasonable rate and you’ll be just fine.

2. Hide the crop needed with a well developed cranny. You can never forsee that someone might attack your village while you’re sleeping and take ALL your crop. In this case in the morning you’ll have some dead troops (died of starvation) and no crop at all.

This is why you need to have at least a 1000 resources cranny (that would hide 1000 resources or 660 in case a Teuton attacks) and a deficit of no more than 66 per hour for instance. If you’re sleeping 10 hours, then by the time you wake up you’ll still have soldiers, even if attacked .. of course these numbers can varry related to your own situation (cranny, soldiers etc.), but the main idea is that a negative crop production is not the end of the world.

3. From time to time, upgrade a crop field. It’s not cool to have a huge negative number so, from time to time, upgrade a crop field to reduce the deficit.

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