Gauls are known by most travian players as the best defending tribe. This comes down to the fact of three things. The trapper, phalanxes and haenduans.
The trapper when fully upgraded can save your troops from suprise attacks. It will capture any enemy troops without you needing to do anything. The only thing you have to make sure of is to continually rebuild them so that they are ready for the next attack
Phalanxes are incredibly useful. They have excellent cavalry defense and they are the basic troops for the Gauls. This allows Gaul players to have a very decent defense right from the start of their game.
Haenduans are probably the troops with the best cavalry defense per upkeep. They also have very decent attack so they are very multi-purpose.
So if you want to become a skilled defender than your best bet is to pick the Gauls.
Happy defending
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